
A mobile app that builds flexible itineraries for friends looking to explore a new city

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Create an adventure

Set your group’s travel destination or browse nearby adventures curated by real locals. Add your friends to your adventure and start collaborative planning.

Build smart and flexible itineraries

Begin planning your trip by browsing through our collection of activities, or by searching for a specific event or location. Frip will suggest a few local favorite spots for each activity you choose and, by planning around your current location, will never lead you out of the way from your next stop.

Plan together, travel together

Frip helps friends collaborate in the planning process, making travel easier and more enjoyable for the whole group. All friends invited on an adventure can use Frip to suggest possible trip activities, and group voting lets everyone contribute their opinion. After the group has voted, the trip planner can finalize the adventure itinerary, and Frip will let the group know that it’s time to start exploring.